LEED Setup

Prior to entering LEED Material Breakdown on disposal tickets, setup for LEED Materials, Material Density, Manage Disposal Facilities, LEED Breakdown Input and Customer Explorer Site will need to be completed. Also See LEED Video Tutorial and Related Tasks.


LEED Materials

Disposal materials that will be sorted into other materials defined by LEED Material Density.


  1. Add new or recall an existing Material.
  2. Select the LEED box.
  3. Save.
  • Materials flagged as LEED will be indicated in the grid in the LEED column with a check mark.


Material Density Setup

Define the Density for each LEED Material breakdown from the sorted disposal material.


  1. Enter Material Name.
  2. Enter Density.
  • Repeat for each LEED Material breakdown.
  • Materials in Red are Inactive.
  1. Add Residual Density.
  2. Save.



Manage Disposal Facilities

Add LEED materials to the Disposal Facilities where LEED materials will be broken down.


  1. Review existing LEED Materials in the Disposal Rates grid.
  2. Click New Rates to add LEED Materials to the Disposal Facility.
  • Populate the Disposal Rates grid as usual and save.


LEED Breakdown Input


  1. Select the material grading preference for LEED Breakdown Input.
  • Yards or Percentage
  • The Input selection will be the default, however can be changed during material breakdown entry.
  1. Save.


Customer Explorer Setting

Sites flagged as LEED will allow for LEED material breakdown when a LEED material is selected on a disposal ticket.


  1. Recall a Customer and Site.
  2. Check the LEED box on the Site.
  3. Save.


LEED Material Breakdown

LEED Reporting